The Soliton Radar - Limits
metal gear solid metal gear solid: the twin snakes mgs snake solid snake the twin snakes tts
Strike Marker (Thrown)
Strike Marker (EZ Gun)
Smoke Grenade (Blue)
Smoke Grenade (Black)
Next-Gen Special Forces
the worst venom does a good
Breaker Mace Not OP At All
Sneaking Suit
Strike Marker (Set)
PTRS Anti-Material Rifle
Cardboard (Box)
Supply Marker (EZ Gun)
A really bad venom makes a really good call
SVD (Night Vision, Armor Piercing)
Sneaking Suit - Physical Data
Carl Gustav (+HEAT Rounds)
Supply Marker
Camera Stealth
Double Kick
Carl Gustav (Sleep Rounds)
HF Blade
Full-Model Decoy
Supply Marker (Set)