kimbrel getting HYPE
Brandon Cumpton CH 2018
Jamie Arnold fastball
joe dunand diving stop 3b escogido
paigehathaway 2018-08-25 09:38:02.283
200530 이흥련
200530 이성우
200924 SK 와이번스
Zach Wheeler Starts With a Strike to Yoshi Tsutsugo
200512 박석민
200522 로하스 (2)
200523 로하스 (1)
200730 최재훈
200723 Giancarlo Stanton
Ryan Romano open face swing
Kyle McMullen open face mechanics
dansby looking shit
Casey Asman open face swing
Carson Montgomery open face mechanics
Ryan Denison curveball
Ryan Denison fastball
200704 김호재
201016 Mookie Betts 2
200530 허경민