Figure 8
Abs Glutes Hip Flexors Kettlebell Shoulders
Bridge Frog Pump
Barbell Back Extension (on hyperextension apparatus)
V-Crunch to Knee Tuck
Weighted Back Raise (on hyperextension apparatus)
Lever Seated Leg Press
Toe Touchers
Barbell Push Sit-up
Lever Single Leg Lying Leg Press (custom - plate loaded)
Dumbbell Ulnar Deviation
Cable Lying Leg Raise
Reverse Lunge with Reach Back
Barbell Side Lunge
Cable Pushdown (with back support)
Side Lunge Sweep
1 1 2 Tuck ups
Lever Seated Twist
Dumbbell Step Down
Quadruped Rocking
Barbell Sumo Block Pull
Hip Raise with Feet on Swiss Ball
Cable Twisting Standing Chest Press
Sled Lying Leg Press (plate loaded)