TLJ - Push Back then Impale
MK11 - Flamethrower No Sell
Annihilation - Creates an Electrical Barrier Around Kahn's Generals
MK11 - Heat Ray Complete
MK3 - Axe
AoS - Bamboo Sword
Scorpion's Revenge - Arm Rip
Armageddon - Mystic Vapors
Deception - Sword Blessing 2
E6 - Mud Ball Push
Armageddon - Summoning
MK9 - Teleports Himself to the Netherrealm 1
E3 - Thrown
MK11 - Reawakened
MK3 - Friendship
vs. DCU - Flying Kick
Deception - Repairs
S4E3 - Glass Break
MK11 - Earthquake
AoS - Claymore
E30 - IQ
MK11 - Hand Saw
Deception - Fatality 1
MK3 - Fatality (Advance)
E8 - Kangaroo Copter