Winifer Fernandez
I don't know what she is saying but she is absolutely right
Italian gymnast Federica Macrì
Thighs so thicc she uses them to hold her glasses
Inge de Bruijn - Dutch Gold Medalist Swimmer in "Adam sucht Eva"
Ruth Sophia Spelmeyer (Germany) 400m
Corina Ungureanu
Rain Can’t Deter Michelle Jenneke
Paraskevi Papachristou
Alysha Newman
Italian water polo player Carolina Marcialis
McKayla Maroney Thick Butt
Volleyball Warm-Up
The server for the Argentinian volleyball team is so thicc her phat ass tries to eat her bikini bottom
Maria-Roberta Gherca
Romania produces great ass athletes
Malta Long Jump
She seems proud of her effort
Olivia McTaggart
Long Jump Girl No Pants Line Walk
Kleila Theodorou (Greek pole vaulter)
Amazing girl
Beautiful Smile For Camera Before Race
Canadian pole vaulter Robin Bone