First flip reset
Gif Your Game GifYourGame Goal Picholas Rocket League RocketLeague
Goal 4: Amit
Goal 3: Ripper Roser
Goal 1: purge [ceo of lag spikes]
Goal 1: Electrick
Goal 1: JackMamma
Goal 1: Its_Cas
? Goal 9: Caleb .-.
Goal 8: Stoppy
Goal 5: The Pian1sT
Goal 4: LorR.
Goal 3: AmericanOtter
Goal 5: Wardog
Goal 7: djxkrafty
Goal 17: azusagawa
Goal 7: hpeZ
Goal 2: JayEss
? Goal 3: (RG) LaidToRust
Goal 4: DaVinci
Goal 3: AlexTheSpoder
Goal 19: Mendicant Bias
Goal 1: _Matthias_
Goal 7: Squiggy Mugginz
Goal 3: samur_man
Goal 5: Pilbeam