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Oh wait... is this why women like grey sweatpants season?

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Oh wait... is this why women like grey sweatpants season?


original: redgifs.com/watch/CourteousScratchyBinturong

If you couldn’t tell by the shirt, I’m a Philly sports fan.

If you couldn’t tell by the shirt, I’m a Philly sports fan.

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I’ve been really digging the C rings lately. Just ordered a bunch more.

I’ve been really digging the C rings lately. Just ordered a bunch more.

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Do I have a weird “orgasm face”?

Do I have a weird “orgasm face”?

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Tried to edit together a video and it didn’t come out right. I wanted to share

Tried to edit together a video and it didn’t come out right. I wanted to share anyway.

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Decent velocity. That had been building up for a little while.

Decent velocity. That had been building up for a little while.

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Lagunitas Daytime IPA. Drinking it at nighttime though.

Lagunitas Daytime IPA. Drinking it at nighttime though.

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First post here. It just keeps cumming and cumming.

First post here. It just keeps cumming and cumming.

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My mind was wandering during a work call. Luckily no one else had this angle.

My mind was wandering during a work call. Luckily no one else had this angle.

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I guess my mind was wandering during this video call. ??‍♂️

I guess my mind was wandering during this video call. ??‍♂️

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