Debby and Kara, fooling around with a new pill
caption lesbian xchange
Becky, being supportive
Wendy, getting courage
Lauren, changed her mind
Monica, emptied the gay-tray
Jen, competition
Ginny, convinced
Izzy, new hire means new dom
Danielle, figured out the difference
Lisa, can't escape her slutty side
Trish, 1 rule
Rebecca, being smart with the stupid pill
Vicky, joining the fun!
Rebecca, clarity
Ben, has to bring Lexi back into the community
Eva, underestimating the pill
Fred, collecting blackmail
Jenna, making great decisions
Stella, trying to ruin her own life
Jenny, convinced to think like she looks
Jessica and Lindy, rewarding a good boy
Phoebe, having a fun sleepover, and maybe more...
Dianna, finally fucked
Jill, decided to join her friend