Open Knee Tucks
Abs Bodyweight
Banded Lateral X Walk
Plie Dumbbell Squat
Standing Overhead EZ Bar Tricep Extension
Cable Standing Shoulder Press
Medicine Ball Squat and Underhand Forward Throw
Cable Front Lateral Raise
Dumbbell Wall Squat
O l i v i a B e r z i n c
G r a c e E l i s a b e t h
Dumbbell V-Crunch
Palm Rotational Row
Barbell Push Sit-up
A n n a B a i l e y
Cable One Arm Incline Push
Sandbag Turkish Getup
Bench Jack Knife
A b i g a i l M o n r o e
dono ab 100 maybe
Lunge with Side Bend
Frog Jumps
Medicine Ball Rotational Throw