Love how this toy lets me see deep inside
anal ass trans
Working on my biggest plug (he/him)
Pulling out my rose
Opening up my butthole
Whisk insertion?
anal anal play ass gif
Getting bigger every day
Some more work on my rose
Wrecking my hole (trans he/him)
Trans (he/him) hole
Finally getting my hole to where I want it to be :)
Showing of my gape
Trans (he/him) playing with my rosebud 😅
I love fucking myself hard
Pushing out my heavy plug
Love watching my hole stretching around this big plug
Some stretching with my big plug
Altered enough? (He/him)
Pushing on my weighted plug
Little tiny creampie
Loose rosebud
Look inside
Some more practice
Pushing out my little plug (he/him) what should I try next?
anal anal play trans gif