Double Kettlebell Overhead Walk
Abs Glutes Hamstrings Hip Adductors Kettlebell Lats Shoulders Traps Triceps
Double DB Hang Power Snatch
Overhand-Grip Rear Lateral Raise
Band Resistance Single Arm Standing Landmine Press
Air Jacks
Grasshopper Progression
Turkish Getup to Side Plank
Scapular Retraction
Trap jacking off and cumming
Dumbbell Overhead Lunge
Teen Honey Trap-preview
Double Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Freestyle Swim
Lying Cable Upright Row
Lever Shrug (plate loaded)
Dumbbell Hang Pull
Farmer's Walk
Scaption and Shrug
Fly Trap Combo
Snatch-Grip Behind-The-Neck Overhead Press
Lunge to Overhead Raise