Sapphire WEAPON Radiation Beam
ff7 ffvii final fantasy 7 final fantasy vii sapphire weapon weapon
Sephiroth Blizzaga FFVIIR
Cloud Strife vs Sephiroth 4
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Right 2
Jenova SYNTHESIS vs Knighs of the Round 1
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Left 1
Lifestream Spirit Energy Exposition 1
Emerald WEAPON vs KotR 1
Cloud Strife vs Diamond WEAPON 2
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Shadow Flare
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Whirlsand
Ruby WEAPON Tentacle Burrow
Sapphire WEAPON Flight Lightning
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Ruby Ray
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Ultima
Diamond WEAPON Flare 2
Sapphire WEAPON vs Mako Cannon Junon 1
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Right 1
WEAPON Exposition 4
Highwind vs Safer Sephiroth
Lifestream Spirit Energy Exposition 2
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON Ruby Flame
WEAPON Exposition 3
Cloud Strife vs Ruby WEAPON 1
Ruby WEAPON vs KotR 2