Shaolin Monks - Carries Sonya on his Shoulder
MK3 - Sai Throw
TLJ - Touch and Seen
Deadly Alliance - Mi Zong
MK3 - Fatality 2
Conquest - Episode 12 Shadow Of A Doubt - Throw
MKX - Restores the Revenants 3
E3 - Radio
MK11 - Vial of Sorrow
Armageddon - Flaming Sword
MKX - QTE Tip Stabbing
MK3 - Friendship
HL2 - Lift Drum
Deception - Heavenly Light
MK11 - Can't be Knocked Down
HL - Tau Cannon
Deadly Alliance - Fatality
MK11 - Double Swords
Extendo Hand
AoS - Partizan
MK3 - Babality
MKX - Two-Sided
MKX - Tosses Jacqui
Deception - Sumo
MKX - Rising Fan