Touch me gently....
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Party time with my body
I caught you staring at me
Get between my cheeks
Sex is the answer
This is a surprise you’ll get when I peel down my dress
Sorry for distracting you
How do you feel about bein suffocated?
Describe me using one word
Snuggle up under this blanket with me
I need a new bra, can I use your hands?
Ready for Funday!
Take me to dinner and fuck me after
I can be your morning snack
Real girls swallow it all
Where are the smooth pussy and soft juicy ass lovers?
Do I always have to be naked?
I like to play in the dressing room
I may be small, but my butt isn't
Unsure what to say so I’m just gonna leave this here
In the mood for your cum on my tits
I want your hands all over them