Deadly Alliance - Neijin
AoS - Imp
MK11 - Teleport Cancel
E2 - Boy Catch
DoS - Amalaric Sniper
MKX - Mind Blown
MK9 - Teleport
Journey - Flipped
MKX - Quick Draw
Deadly Alliance - Jujutsu
AoS - Ascalon
Defenders - Episode 11 Amends - Grate
Annihilation - Double Bombs
Shaolin Monks - Projectile Spam
Shaolin Monks - Gets Sent Flying by the Player Again
MKX - Ice Dagger
Flying Hamburger
MK11 - Crushed
TLJ - Explosions
S6E8 - Catch
MK4 - Super Knee
MK11 - Looks Like the Sun
Armageddon - Portal Flip
MK11 - Kills Scorps 2